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The ability to think is a necessary condition of life. Different thinking and original point of view are indispensable elements of art. In this project, we will try to show our skills in artistic thinking and presenting different perspectives. We will share our thoughts on art-related issues through forums and online meetings.
This project reveals the effective ways of art. In this project, the effects of art on us as a society and an individual will be discussed. These opinions and discussions will be turned into international common products. This project enables students to find out different domains of art and discuss them on forums and live meetings.


Improving artistic thinking skills
Communication skills through discussions will be empowered
Improving digital literacy via using various web 2 tools
Improving language skills


Students And Teachers Meeting
Introducing The Project To The Partners
Creating Mixed Country Teams

How is Art Criticism done?Every partner will criticize the artistic work which will be selected by voting,share their criticism on forum and make a videoclip while they criticize it in a cyber art gallery
Sharing Opinions and Discussions at Forums
Sharing Opinions at Online Webinars

Create your own primitive music instrument
Sharing Opinions and Discussions at Forums
Sharing Opinions at Online Webinars

Will Artificial Intelligence replace the artist?
Sharing Opinions and Discussions at Forums
Sharing Opinions at Online Webinars
Common Work-A joint podcast on the topic for e-mag



A website,online magazines,a presentation, a joint podcast, Virtual Exhibition

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